JMEC has been structural consultant for two contracts to perform bridge inspection, bridge condition evaluation, bridge load rating and load posting as needed for more than 110 bridges in conjunction with Jacobs, Inc. These bridges are located in five (5) watersheds including Shasta, Drum, Kings-Crane, DeSabla and Mother-Lode. As-built plans were prepared for bridges without as-built records.
Bridge inspection and evaluation have been carried out following "AASHTO Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, 1994".
Bridge types consist of steel girders with timber or reinforced concrete deck, steel railroad flatcars (RRFC's), concrete girders, timber girders, timber trusses and steel trusses. Simple span and multiple-span bridges with span length ranging from less than 20 feet to more than 150 feet were evaluated. The facilities that these bridges cross including canals, dams, forebays, afterbays, rivers, creeks, penstocks and many other water distribution facilities.
The two contracts encompass more than 85% of the bridges owned and operated by PG&E Hydro Division.